Kobe Terrace Park sits just above the garden, and adjacent to where the old Nippon Kan Theatre was on Washington Street.
 While staying in Seattle, my morning routine included early oolong at the Panama Hotel Tea House, and then climbing these stairs just across South Main Street from the hotel.
 The garden is quite high with many places to pause and look out over the city below.
 The garden has been going and growing since it started in 1975.
 There are approx. 100 4’ x 8’ garden plots.
 There are about 60 fruit trees, including figs…
 Even though the garden is next to Hwy. 5, it is a green oasis and a sanctuary for many low-income and elderly Japanese, Chinese, and Asian Pacific Islanders.
 The garden sits on 1.5 acres on land donated by Danny Woo, and was created by community activists and volunteers.
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